Peet’s Single Cups Are Finally Here

peets singles

OK, it is been three months now since Peet’s finally released its version of the single coffee cups that work with Keurig Brewers.

I was going to write about when it happened – mostly because I have been waiting for years and was so excited. However, I decided to wait and see if my excitement lived up to the reality and quality. And I have to say it does.

To date, I have only seen packages of 10 cups boxes available in Peet’s locations and not in stores. Although when I chatted with my local Peet’s baristas they mentioned that Peet’s corporate has plans for single cups to be available in grocery stores where Peet’s already has established relationships to distribute its one pound bags of ground coffee.

I find Peet’s single cups a bit pricey – 10 single cups for $11.99 to $9.99. Although as a special promotion we got a stack of $1off per box coupons and have been using those to save some money.

So, it ends up being about a buck a cup which is line with other brands and similar quantity boxes at the grocery stores (like Safeway) but prior to the release of the Peet’s Single Cups, we were getting better deals of other maker’s brands online or at Bed, Bath & beyond (18 cups for $11.99 – and I also always have my 20 percent coupon on hand) or 80 cups of the Tully’s Hawaiian at Costco for about $39. The Hawaiian from Tully’s has been our go-to blend since Tully’s discontinued its Kona blend, which has been over 6 months.

Peet’s single cups are also available for the same price on the Peet’s website. Although, they are offering discounts when you buy multiple boxes of five.

So let’s get to the coffee.  It’s kosher. Not sure if that is a big selling point but it’s clearly printed on the box, but I hadn’t noticed it on other K-Cups. For my kosher pals that might be a big deal.


To date, I have seen five flavors:

  • Café Domingo
  • French Roast
  • House Blend Regular
  • House Bend – Decaf
  • Major Dickason’s
  • Single Cup Sample box

I’ve had a chance to try them all (except the decaf. why bother) and I find them all on par with a regular cup from the store or that I would brew using Peet’s beans at home. Although, my drink of choice from my local Peet’s is a large iced latte.

The single cups all have different weights as the amount of coffee in each single flavor cup is dictated by the blend and strength. I was told (also by my local barista) that decision came after much testing  because Peet’s found that not all the coffees tasted as good using the exact same amount of coffee – some required more, some less.

And after a few months of buying them, I have settled on Café Domingo.  It is a great strong but even-bodied coffee that I can brew all day.

I also noticed something else about the packaging of individual cups. The foil top is very thick. It requires me to push down extra hard to get the needle on my Keurig to puncture it. I am told that is to insure the ultimate in freshness. However, since I’ve had problems with my needle being clogged in the past, I do wonder if over time that extra heavy foil will cause an issue. (BTW: Vinny helped me when my needle was clogged and has a great video on how to clean the needle.

I was also was a little disappointed that as a company started in the very eco-conscious Bay Area in Berkeley, Peet’s didn’t seem to make an extra effort to create a more recyclable version of its single cups. Again, the super-knowledgeable staff (they really are coffee geeks) told me that Peet’s is working on that issue.


Peet’s is also doing an experiment.  They are sending their Peet’s Sip Truck across the country to give away our new Single Cups. Each week you can vote on a new topic online and help decide where the truck goes. You can follow Peet’s on Twitter to see where the truck is headed.

sip truck


  • lisariolo

    There were stacks of cases (Major D) at my Costco warehouse yesterday!

  • lisa

    guess where i am headed today based on your comment, lisa?

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