Drіnkіng еѕрrеѕѕо hаѕ become a wау of lіfе fоr mоѕt people, раrtісulаrlу thоѕе whо hаvе heavy schedules аnd who tаkе tіmе оut tо relax with a cup оf frеѕhlу brеwеd […]
Vanilla Almond Milk in Coffee
Over the past couple of weeks I have been weaning myself off dairy a little bit. Sharon from BigCityVegan.com has been trying her best for me to eat better and although I don’t listen to 90% of what she tells me I did try almond milk a few weeks ago.
I never thought in a million years about changing my coffee drinking or even alter it in any way. I use to have my coffee with milk and 3 sugars. I started reading the book “The Small Change Diet” and took a few steps that were easy and I saw results. I switched my milk up from regular to 2% and then 1% and I didn’t mind that at all. I also started slowing down on sugar from 3 scoops to 2 scoops to 1 scoop.
I saw change to my waistline shrink and although I didn’t mind changing my diet to this it all changed today when I discovered vanilla almond milk. I can hear the coffee experts that drink coffee without anything in it shaking their heads and who cares. This is the way I am enjoying my coffee as I type this. It is all about making yourself happy in life.
This change to almond milk does two things for me. One it gets me off dairy a little bit and that helps my digestion, not that I had problems in that area but getting off dairy a little can’t hurt. It also gets me to cut down on sugar in my coffee. Since I switched to almond milk I find no need to put any sugar in my coffee at all. So lets do some math, I probably have 10 cups of coffee a day and 3 sugars in each equals 30 scoops of sugar that has disappeared from my diet. I can feel the weight coming off every time I have a cup of coffee. The milk is also 1/3rd of the calories of regular milk.
Have you tried almond milk? Have you tried it in your coffee?
I think I’ll have almond milk in my coffee right now. Good idea. On another note, Wow, 10 cups a day.
I have just added Almond Milk in my Coffee House. It is getting great reviews
Try the vanilla flavor your customers will love it.